
In the four Novitiates of the Order the 33 candidates are helped to discern their vocation to the Augustinian Recollect way of life

To enter the Augustinian Recollect Order you have to make a profession of the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience according to the rule of St. Augustine and the Constitutions of the Order. And before the religious profession the postulant has to do the years novitiate.

The novitiate is that stage in the formation journey when a candidate who has discerned his calling during the postulancy will now experience, for a full year, fraternal life in community, will seek to better know his vocation and form his mind and heart in the spirit of the Order. The novitiate will have to “reach to the depth of his conscience and mark his whole existence”. The novitiate also has it’s own purpose where the Novice master and the formation team, being representatives of the Order will also discern and test the intentions and suitability of the novices before accepting them to the profession. ( cf. Constitutions 206-209).

The formation which begins in the novitiate continues throughout the life of the religious. Formation is indeed a journey of progressive assimilation of the feelings of Christ towards his Father and as such should embrace the whole person, to such an extent, that every attitude and way of behaving will manifest the full and joyous belonging to God. (cf. Vita consecrata 65).

Four novitiates

At this moment there are 4 novitiates in the Order.

Monteagudo (Navarra, España).
– Monteagudo (Navarra, España), with novices from St. Nicholas de Tolentino, St. Augustine’s, St. Joseph’s and Our Lady of Consolation Provinces. There are 14 novices (1 Mexican, 3 Chinese, 1 Brazilian, 3 Peruvians, 1 Venezuelan, 2 Guatemalans and 3 Dominicans).

Desierto de Candelaria (Ráquira Bocayá, Colombia).
– El Desierto de la Candelaria (Ráquira Boyacá, Columbia), with novices from Our Lady of Candelaria and St.Rita’s Provinces. There are 5 novices (2 Columbians y 3 Brazilians).

Monachil (Granada, España).
– Monachil (Granada, España), with novices from St. Thomas of Villanueva Province. Today there are 7 novices (5 Argentinians and 2 Brazilian).

Antipolo (Rizal, Filipinas).
– Antipolo (Rizal, Philippines), with novices from St. Ezequiel Moreno Province.. Today there are 7 novices, all Filipinos.