
The NGOD of the Augustinian Recollect family, Haren Alde, has launched its Annual Report 2015, entitled “The Year of the common home”, presenting all its civilities carried out by this organization in the year 2015

This year the NGOD chose the title “The year of the common home”, in the Annual Report of activities belonging to 2015, based on the various developments pertaining to civil, political, economic and religious range.  Things like the eight Objectives of development of the Millenium in which all the member states of the UNO which they have set in the year 2000 up to the year 2015, the XXI International Conference on Climate Change celebrated in Paris, France from November 30 to December 11 2015 or the publication on May 24, 2015 of the encyclical “Laudato Si” of Pope Francis, are those which determined this title.

The mission of this NGO is offer a programming, management, and audit of the social works done by the Order of Augustinian Recollects born within the bosom of the family or affiliates, in order of efficacy, transparency and efficiency in the use of  human and economic resources.  In doing so it relies on a network of collaborators from 21 countries of the world, with more than  200 headquarters.

Projects which were implemented in 2015

In 2015 five projects on development were accomplished like the creation and improvement of basic infrastructures on potable water and drainage of each house in the province of Chota, Peru, the human development of indigenous communities and river banks of the river Purus or the promotion of healthy housing with emphasis also to gender and right to health in Peru.  Two projects were implemented in the Home of St. Monica, for female children and teenagers victims of abuse.

Besides 9 solidarity measures stood out put emphasis  for infants, on health, food security and disabled, which were implemented in Brazil, Panama,  Philippines and Caracas, all of which with a purpose of improving the development in different depressed areas of these countries.

New protocol on sponsorship

The year 2015 started with a new protocol on sponsorship of the NGOD called “Take and Read”.  This process consists in sponsoring children and teenagers in their studies with the purpose of giving them a personal development and to be able to contribute in its professional formation.

It has been implemented in 15 centers in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic and Venezuela, and presently this sponsorship program has 871 sponsors and thanks to them for which 445 children have received sponsorship.

Special Year of the Common Home

With all the socio-evangelical projects of Haren Alde, direct or indirectly, an important component of human and natural environment.  And in this year 2015,  in line with the encyclical “Laudato Si” of Pope Francis, projects were started to help a dignified life by helping them a healthy and worthy atmosphere wherein its life is not jeopardized or the sure access of indispensable goods like water and food.

Some examples of these deeds are: ecological and healthy kitchens of Peruvian Andeans, the fish farms of Tambequi in the region of Cameta, Brazil and the reforestration action which is being done since 2009 in the Amazon forest.