
Saint Augustine’s commentary on Sunday Readings now available on the webpage of the Order

With this service, the website of the Augustinian Recollects seeks to bring the thought of the Saint of Hippo near to its readers. Saint Augustine, doctor of the Church, will illumine with his word the Sunday readings so that the internet surfers may be able to apply it in their daily lives.

This project, promoted by the General Curia of the Order begins with commentaries on the Sunday readings of the season of Lent, and intends to continue with the commentaries on the readings of the major Liturgical seasons: Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter. In the future, the plan is to complete the commentaries with the Ordinary Time in three liturgical cycles.

The Spanish texts have been collected and translated by the Augustinian Recollect Fathers Javier Ruiz and Jose Anoz, and by the Augustinian Pio de Luis. The translation from Latin to English was done by Romeo Potencio, also an Augustinian Recollect. The version in Portuguese was provided by Ademir Garcia, member of the same Order.